Help wanted:
Be our new advice columnist!
Bad news first: Our beloved and wise Ask-a-17-Year-Old columnist has gone off to college — give 'em heck, Hannah! The good news? We have a vacancy for a new advice giver. Are you thoughtful and sensitive? Does helping people feel good? Do you wish strangers would ask you to tell them what to do? Send us a short note (, describing yourself — and take a stab at the question below! All ages welcome! We look forward to hearing from you!
Dear Ask a ___-Year-Old,
I played piano for about a year, since I was 10, and I really didn't like it. We are taking a break for quarantine and I think I will go to a different piano teacher when it's over. But whenever I see my teacher (he lives a few blocks away), I get really nervous that he will ask me "Oh, why aren't you doing piano anymore?”
What should I do if this happens?
In Treble